
The Role of Magnesium Oxide in Leather

Leather is an important material widely used in clothing, footwear, furniture, and other fields. To enhance the quality and performance of leather, various additives are added to improve its properties. Among them, magnesium oxide plays an important role in leather processing. This article explores the role of magnesium oxide in leather and its impact on leather quality.

Firstly, magnesium oxide enhances the fire resistance of leather. With its excellent high-temperature resistance, magnesium oxide can effectively improve the fire resistance of leather. By adding an appropriate amount of magnesium oxide on the surface or inside the leather during the manufacturing process, it significantly reduces the risk of fire. This is particularly crucial for applications that require high safety and fire resistance, such as automotive interior, seats, and firefighting suits.

Secondly, magnesium oxide can regulate the pH value of leather. pH control is essential in leather processing to ensure the quality and performance of leather. An excessively high or low pH value can cause leather to become hard, brittle, or soft, severely affecting its lifespan and comfort. As an alkaline substance, magnesium oxide can be used to adjust the pH value of leather, maintaining it within the appropriate range and improving its softness and durability.

Additionally, magnesium oxide enhances the abrasion resistance of leather. With its filling capability, magnesium oxide can fill in the micro gaps and pores in leather, improving its density and abrasion resistance. By adding an appropriate amount of magnesium oxide to leather products, it effectively reduces surface wear and aging, prolonging the lifespan of leather.

Moreover, magnesium oxide inhibits the growth of bacterial spots on leather. Leather is prone to bacterial and fungal growth in humid environments, leading to issues like bacterial spots, which affect the appearance and quality of leather. Magnesium oxide possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties, effectively restraining the growth of bacteria and fungi in leather, maintaining its cleanliness and hygiene.

Conclusion: Magnesium oxide, as a common additive, plays a significant role in leather processing. It enhances the fire resistance, regulates the pH value, improves the abrasion resistance, and inhibits bacterial spot growth in leather. Properly adding an appropriate amount of magnesium oxide can improve the quality and performance of leather, enhancing its competitiveness in the market. However, it is important to control the dosage of additives during usage to avoid adverse effects on leather quality. Therefore, further research and application of magnesium oxide technology and methods are necessary in the leather industry.

Post time: Jul-24-2023